Our purpose is very simple, it’s to help people make the right financial decisions.

By doing this we also help them create a richer life.

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Saturn Advice

To watch the video about Saturn Advice and this website

To learn how sister company, National Capital, can provide digital advice on KiwiSaver investments

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Saturn now offers digital financial advice for KiwiSaver investors


Not every Kiwi can afford a traditional financial adviser relationship, yet we know the sooner people start working with a financial adviser, the better off they will be. So, part of our mission is to give a level of financial advice to as many Kiwis as we can through digital financial advice. We provide this service through sister company, National Capital, a digital financial advice provider specialising in advice for KiwiSaver investors. National Capital helps KiwiSaver investors get ahead;


  • By helping them work out if they are on track to achieve their financial goals.
  • Letting them know if they are in the right fund and provider. If they aren’t, National Capital will recommend a more suitable fund and help them to move.
  • Providing ongoing advice on their financial position to help them stay on track.


What’s more, the National Capital service is free as it is paid for by their KiwiSaver Scheme provider.*

To learn more about National Capital, click here to go to the National Capital website.


*Not all KiwiSaver providers pay National Capital to provide ongoing advice to KiwiSaver investors. Where this is the case, National Capital will still help KiwiSaver investors work out if they are on track to reach their financial goals and recommend a suitable KiwiSaver fund for them. However, ongoing advice will not be available.

Saturn investment christchurch

The Saturn Advice Story
Originally founded in 1988 as Broadview Financial Management Limited, Saturn Advice Limited is a financial advisory business helping people make the right financial decisions for them. Our business model enables us to provide impartial advice because we are not aligned to any fund manager or broker and staff are paid salaries, not commissions.

We have offices in Auckland and Christchurch serving clients throughout New Zealand.

Underpinning Saturn Advice are four founding principles of impartiality, transparency, security and trust. We have hard wired these principles in to our business and believe clients stand to achieve a better outcome, thereby helping them create a richer life.

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